The One whose never noticed

Karissa Doyle
1 min readSep 21, 2021

I’m the type of woman that likes what she likes and that’s about it.

However, it doesn’t turn out right as the sun goes down

and the man that you want just doesn’t see you.

All these months go by yet I can’t help but daydream,

Nothing written between the lines just false hope along with pretty words.

Oh, I’m so over how I put myself in such a position,

Before the wine glass was barely touched.

Lipstick stains and small conversations,

First impressions try to bring out some laughter.

Cheers to a new beginning, clinking glasses fill the room.

Our eyes met across the table, I have admired your smile since then.

These are the stories we create for ourselves.

Imagine things that aren’t there, perhaps they never were.

At least, the memories stay while in more ways than once the people walk away.

Those little moments felt so real, the illusions make it hard to heal.

Truth to the matter, we’ve met under convenience the trail ends there.

Heavy heart beating feelings for you, radio silence can’t drown out the emotions.

It’s not like we’re together, living in a little house on a hill.

Premature heartache sets in, thoughts of him still unravel.

Oh, it's just a crush that seems to not wish to go away.

